The miracle machine, o como transformar el agua en vino

Aviso: Este producto es un FAKE. Detrás de este video hay una campaña de una ONG que busca concienciar a los aficionados al vino en los problemas de suministro de agua del Tercer Mundo...

Dicho esto, me sigui pareciendo una muy buena idea. Si en EEUU han triunfado los kits para destilar (no sé si esta es la palabra correcta) tu propia cerveza, ¿por qué no hacer lo mismo con el vino? Máxime con uma máquina de un diseño espectacular...

Insisto, es todo un HOAX benéfico, pero darle 5 minutos al video y 10 a pensar en el concepto...

Os copio la info que acompañaba al video...

Extracted from Bringing together Silicon Valley technology and Napa Valley wine expertise, The Miracle Machine is the world’s first affordable accelerated winemaking device for the home that reproduces great wine with minimal effort and within days. Designed as a table top appliance, and built using environmentally sustainable material, the machine has a clean and minimalist shape that will look good in any kitchen. Controlled by a mobile app that guides you through the winemaking process on your device whilst monitoring progress, The Miracle Machine takes just three days and just a couple of dollars to make wine that would normally cost at least $20. The app allows you to select from a list of pre-defined wine types, each listing the grape concentrates and recommended type of yeast as well as other ingredients that are required (Note: your first batch of concentrates and yeast will ship with your Miracle Machine and will be included in the price). Simply add the concentrate and yeast into the machine, add 600 ml of water and then use the app on your smartphone to start the process. The water, concentrate and yeast sit in the Miracle Machine’s “fermentation chamber” while the Miracle Machine app monitors progress in the background. Near completion, the app will direct you to add the small sachet of finishing powder, which contains the oak and other flavors that will allow your wine to taste as if it has been aging for several months to a year. 24 hours later, the app will then notify you through an alert letting you know that your wine is ready to drink.

+ info sobre The Miracle Machine
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